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Site Design - Costs Provided after Free Offer


Cohill.Com is now for hire. Due to recent inquiries about Web design skills, we have decided to post a price list and take offers. We have different page categories, and each requires a different amount of effort on our part. Use the form below to evaluate the options.


"Free Web Page 1 Page of Text (ASCII or .doc, user supplied), up 1 graphic (gifs or jpgs only). See the agreement for details
"Basic" 2-6 Pages of Text (ASCII or .doc, user supplied), up to 10 graphics (gifs or jpgs only) which I will use "as is". Tables, frames.  See the agreement for details.
"Premium" Same as Basic Page, but I will accept any type of graphic and perform whatever modifications are necessary to create an effective web graphic.
"Premium Plus" Same as Premium, but with JavaScript, Style Sheets, Dynamic HTML, Active X, JAVA, or CGI programming. If the code is used on more than one page, then they all count as premium plus pages.
"Premium Gold" Same as Premium, but with up to 5 original custom graphics designed by me. You can use the 5 graphics anywhere in your site, but if you need more than 5 you'll have to get another Premium Gold Page
"Gold" Combines Premium Plus and Premium Gold 
"Site Package" I will update your site up to 4 times a month, or give you assistance in keeping it up to date. Select the Site Package which corresponds to your most advanced page category. This is a monthly retainer fee and must be paid in advance


Pages Free + Basic  Premium Premium Plus Premium Gold Gold
First $Free $69.95 $149.95 $199.95 $249.95
Second $29.95 $49.95 $99.95 $149.95 $199.95
Third $19.95 $39.95 $49.95 $99.95 $149.95
Per Page Over 3 $14.95 $39.95 $49.95 $99.95 $149.95
Site Package $19.95 $49.95 $49.95 $49.95 $49.95


Discounts are available if you advertise Cohill.Com on your site or if you provide referrals. Inquire for details


Custom Graphics 


Logos, banner ads and front page splashes $29.95
Web graphics start at $9.95 each
Wallpapers $49.95



Payment Agreement and Contract 
Right now I plan to accept checks or money orders only. I expect to be paid 1/4 or $100 of the total commission in advance. The remaining paid upon delivery. If I don't get it just right the first time I will fix it free of charge. Each package includes three revisions which must be used within two weeks of delivery. 

  Make your checks payable to:  Patrick Cohill - 3737 Springdell Ave. Baltimore Maryland 21133