Cohill.Com Web Site Design & Hosting

Accessing the Net!

We Can Do it For You!


Unlike traditional media the web is interactive. This allows the user to participate in the site, give feedback, and contribute information. The capabilities that your site has will determine how interactive your users will be.

Our Goal is to market you and your business on the World Wide Web. To do this, we build  web sites quickly and professionally. We want you and your business to succeed! Be prepared for the new way to do business.

When it comes to web design, we can do whatever you wish--quickly and professionally. We believe in simple elegance. We enjoy designing distinctive logos and artwork, and we can also work with your logos or any images that you might currently have. Meet our web designer!

If you have questions about web site development or would like to have a free  assessment of your business needs, drop us an e-mail. We will be happy to discuss your ideas and answer any questions that you might have about getting your business on the WEB! The Artist at Work...

What Do We Need?

All you need to do is provide us with the information that you currently use to promote your business, such as your company brochure, business cards, or any type of advertisements. We’ll then take these, along with your ideas and create a web page or an entire web site that will get your business noticed! We can also work with you on developing content or designing logos and custom artwork.corner.gif (2815 bytes)Web Hosting Resources Available...

What We Provide...

What We Provide...

We register your pages with the most popular search engines such as Yahoo, Excite, AltaVista, Lycos and Infoseek for FREE.

We promote your site via Link Exchange and can set up e-mail accounts through CC Inc. by which you can check any e-mail that is generated through your pages via the Internet.

If you would like your own registered domain, we can process the registration for you through InterNic (for an additional fee). 

The Cost?Discount Coupons Here...

You may think it will cost a small fortune to get your business up on the world wide web, but it won’t. Click to the right for special free web or PC Performance Check-up coupon

You can have your web site designed and up for thousands to see for the low cost of $500.00 (for the first 6 pages). Additional pages and major redesigns of a current site will be invoiced at $50.00 per hour. (see Service Agreement). Small business packages are also available at a special discount!

If you would like us to host your site, we can store your web pages for you for a monthly charge of $40 - $50, billed monthly, quarterly or discounted yearly rate. A maintenance contract where any updates or changes would be included, is also available at $50.00 per hour. Arrangement can be made for site publishing to other Internet Service Providers. (Cash, Business Checks and Money Orders Only Please.)  

Other Services We Provide... (click here to find out more!) Software Diagnostics Internet Training Resume Design Business Plans Technical Writing