computers Below is a list, organized by category, of several computer related sites that I frequently use. If you have any suggestions for other sites I should include please email me at

Windows95 Shareware/Freeware
Windows95 Annoyances
Winsock Apps List
One Stop Windows 95 Site's software list
Windows 95 Resource Center
Slaughter House Winsock Apps

- Win32 Apps
Graphical Viewers, Editors and Utilities 
Software Library-Win95
Unofficial Windows 95 Software's InterNetworking Headquarters and
Internet Tools, Browsers and Viewers-All the 32-bit client programs you need for the Internet! 
PC World's Win95 Shareware Library
Tucows Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software or Here or Here
Jumbo! Shareware
Microsoft's Free Downloads!
WUGNET Shareware Hall of Fame
Internet Search and Replace-lots of Win95 and NT software
Collection of Shareware Software
Winsite's Freeware and Shareware, WinNT and Search Form-previously CICA   Window's 95 32-bit Shareware Page
Travis' Best PC Shareware Programs
Shareware Central Interactive Catalog
World Wide Match-Software for Singles
Galt Shareware
DynoTech Software-Entertainment and educational software
Tony Pirie's Freeware & Shareware-Screensavers and more.

Magazines Buy Something
PC Magazine
PC Computing
Computer Shopper
PC Week
Windows Sources
Ziff Davis' ZDNet

Computer Discount Warehouse
NECX Direct

Click Here for Cohill.Com Internet Development

Click Here for Free Web Site or Computer Checkup